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In the spotlight

We would like to give you extra attention to these items!

Vintage paper

Old papers. Papers that tell a story. Ephemera.

Old leaflets, cards, cigar bands, stamps. Old music magazines, newspapers and old prints and verses.
Real old paper, from 1900, 1960 and till today. Sets put together with or without a theme. Prints botanical, technical and with all kinds of subjects. Lithography.
Journal examples of a journal/scrapbook. Inspiration. Sets by subject and color. Prints with plates and loose images. Prints with a story.



Lithographic prints, this form of printing was already developed at the end of the 18th century. Prints and lithographs from 1905. Beautiful and original for framing and hanging in the house or elsewhere


Mix & Match

New Mix & Match

Put together your own paper set according to your interest in color or subject. Design your own paper scrapbook sets. Different colors and subjects can also be selected at the same time. Various ephemera such as postcards, cigar bands , stamps, prints and old lithographs. Mix & Match is regularly replenished with new items.

Also products from other categories; for example prints or postcards can be combined with the items in Mix & Match. When you do this, you can find everything in your shopping cart.

Have fun putting together and combining!


Scrapbooking, bullet journaling, art journaling and junkjournaling

Art forms where different existing images and pages are merged with or without text.


Picture scraps

Picture scraps date back to the early 1800's and are still used for crafting and decorating.
On this website you will find all kinds from modern to nostalgic reprints to Victorian.

In the webshop section you can find all my double images and new ones are added regularly so check it out regularly!
I am constantly working on expanding my collection and making it as complete as possible.
If you have any questions or would like to get in touch please leave a message via the contact form.

Follow our blog to stay informed about everything we encounter while expanding and completing our collection.
The forum hasn't disappeared yet and you can still post and discuss various topics related to poetry pictures!

Picture scraps are small paper images, lithographically printed and often embossed, known as 'poetry pictures', known in the United Kingdom and also in the United States as 'Picture Scraps'. In scandinavian countries they are often called 'Glansbilder', in Germany 'oblaten' and in France they are better known as 'noveauts' or 'Chromos'. Ever since the early 1800's the poetry pictures illustrate subjects like wildlife, architecture, military subjects, Victorian valentines and much more. Often bundled in whole sheets they were used to enrich poetry, letters and poetry albums! In the beginning poetry pictures were only available in black and white but soon colors were added and later decorated with silver and gold glitter. In the Netherlands we talk about 'poetry pictures' or 'poetry pictures' but in other countries they are often called differently. In English they are often related to 'picture scraps', 'scraps' or 'die cuts'. In Germany the term 'gloss painter' or 'oblaten' often occurs.


Social media

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